We have promoted the genus Helleborus here in the Louisville area for many years now and for good reason! Drought and shade tolerant. Deer proof. Yes, we used the words "deer" and "proof" together. Some of the species begin blooming as early as December and the rest follow through January, February, and March. During the warm days in winter you can even find pollinators on them getting a quick meal before the weather turns back cold. The maintenance for these plants are quite simple as well. For the Helleborus niger and Helleborus hybrids simply remove all of the foliage before the new flowers begin to emerge. The Helleborus foetidus and Helleborus x nigercors have a bit different schedule of cut back. You will want to wait until they have finished blooming in late spring before you remove their spent foliage. Other than that they need very little care. Wonderful plants
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