Enormous bronze to chestnut plumes have a very unique texture to them. A tall plant that loves the summer heat. Best to do an early pinch of the apical bud on the central stem to promote greater branching, and thus more blooms! Beautiful in the landscape, and perfect for flower arrangements. In the same Family as quinoa, so old blooms will eventually fall apart into those characteristic grains. *
Ageratum houstonianum 'Tall Blue Planet' (Flossflower)$6.00Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability
Alternanthera brasiliana 'Purple Prince' (Joseph's Coat)$6.00Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability
Angelonia 'Big Blue' (Alonia™ Summer Snapdragon)$6.00Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability
Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri' (Asparagus Fern)From $6.00
- 1.5-2 ft
- Part Sun
- 9-11
Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability -
Begonia 'Canary Wings' (Dragon Wing Begonia)$6.50
- 1-1.5 ft
- 10-11
Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability -
Begonia 'White Green Leaf' (Whopper™ Landscape Begonia)$6.00Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability
Celosia cristata 'Twisted Dark Orange' (Crested Cockscomb)$6.00Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability
Cleome hassleriana 'Magenta' (Clio™ Spider Flower)$6.00Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability
Clitoria terneata 'Thai Blue' (Butterfly Pea)$6.00Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Afternoon White' (Garden Cosmos)$6.00Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability