An upright fern native to Kentucky that grows fertile fronds when mature. 3 feet green fronds surround the fertile fronds that are a cinnamon color.
Adiantum pedatum (Five Finger Maidenhair Fern)$16.00
- 1-2 ft
- Full Shade
- 3-8
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Athyrium 'Ghost' (Painted Fern)$16.00
- 2-3 ft
- Full Shade to Part Shade
- 4-9
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Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' (Lady Fern)$16.00
- 1.5 ft
- Full Shade to Part Shade
- 4-8
Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability -
Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae' (Victory Lady Fern)$15.00
- 1.5 ft
- Full Shade to Part Shade
- 4-8
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Athyrium niponicum 'Godzilla' (Japanese Painted Fern)$16.00
- 3 ft
- Full Shade to Part Shade
- 4-9
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Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Regal Red' (Japanese Painted Fern)$15.00
- 1.5-2 ft
- Full Shade
- 4-9
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Cystopteris bulbifera (Bulblet Fern)From $10.00
- 1-2 ft
- Full Shade to Part Shade
- 3-8
Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability -
Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' (Autumn Fern)$16.00
- 1.5 ft
- Full Shade to Part Shade
- 5-9
Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability -
Dryopteris filix-mas 'Parsley' (Male Fern)$15.00
- 1.5-2 ft
- Full Shade to Part Shade
- 4-8
Unavailable atChoose a store to check local availability -
Dryopteris x australis (Dixie Wood Fern)$16.00
- 3 ft
- Full Shade to Part Shade
- 5-9
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