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Cotinus obovatus (American Smoketree)

Regular price $99.00
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It's a tree!  It's a bush!  It's not Superman though, just a super plant.  This is the native species of what people commonly call either a smoketree or smokebush.  Seeing that it can reach heights of 20-30' it falls into the category of small tree.  Green foliage is covered in clouds of 'smoke' looking light pink flowers in the spring.  The tree puts on arguably an even better show in the fall when the foliage turns to yellows, reds, and oranges.  These tree have been grown in 3 Liter Root Maker pots and are 3-4' tall.

Height: 20-30 ft

KY Native?

Zone: 4-8

Light Requirement: Full Sun to Part Shade

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